Simplicity is a form of art...

Comparing Hadoop with mainframe
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Wed 15 June 2016

At my work, I have the pleasure of being involved in a big data project that uses Hadoop as the primary platform for several services. As an architect, I try to get to know the platform's capabilities, its potential use cases, its surrounding ecosystem, etc. And although the implementation at work is not in its final form (yay agile infrastructure releases) I do start to get a grasp of where we might be going.

For many analysts and architects, this Hadoop platform is a new kid on the block so I have some work explaining what it is and what it is capable of. Not for the fun of it, but to help the company make the right decisions, to support management and operations, to lift the fear of new environments. One thing I've once said is that "Hadoop is the poor man's mainframe", because I notice some high-level similarities between the two.

Talk about SELinux on GSE Linux/Security
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Tue 25 March 2014

On today's GSE Linux / GSE Security meeting (in cooperation with IMUG) I gave a small (30 minutes) presentation about what SELinux is. The slides are online and cover two aspects of SELinux: some of its design principles, and then a set of features provided by SELinux. The talk is directed …