Simplicity is a form of art...

Diagrams are no communication channel
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Thu 05 September 2024

IT architects generally use architecture-specific languages or modeling techniques to document their thoughts and designs. ArchiMate, the framework I have the most experience with, is a specialized enterprise architecture modeling language. It is maintained by The Open Group, an organization known for its broad architecture framework titled TOGAF.

My stance, however, is that architects should not use the diagrams from their architecture modeling framework to convey their message to every stakeholder out there...

Sustainability in IT
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Sun 25 September 2022

For one of the projects I'm currently involved in, we want to have a better view on sustainability within IT and see what we (IT) can contribute in light of the sustainability strategy of the company. For IT infrastructure, one would think that selecting more power-efficient infrastructure is the way to go, as well as selecting products whose manufacturing process takes special attention to sustainability.

There are other areas to consider as well, though. Reusability of IT infrastructure and optimal resource consumption are at least two other attention points that deserve plenty of attention. But let's start at the manufacturing process...

Getting lost in the frameworks
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Fri 26 August 2022

The IT world is littered with frameworks, best practices, reference architectures and more. In an ever-lasting attempt to standardize IT, we often get lost in too many standards or specifications. For consultants, this is a gold-mine, as they jump in to support companies - for a fee, naturally - in adopting one or more of these frameworks or specifications.

While having references and specifications isn't a bad thing, there are always pros and cons.

Containers are the new IaaS
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Sat 21 May 2022

At work, as with many other companies, we're actively investing in new platforms, including container platforms and public cloud. We use Kubernetes based container platforms both on-premise and in the cloud, but are also very adamant that the container platforms should only be used for application workload that is correctly designed for cloud-native deployments: we do not want to see vendors packaging full operating systems in a container and then shouting they are now container-ready.

Defining what an IT asset is
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Sun 13 February 2022

One of the main IT processes that a company should strive to have in place is a decent IT asset management system. It facilitates knowing what assets you own, where they are, who the owner is, and provides a foundation for numerous other IT processes.

However, when asking "what is an IT asset", it gets kind off fuzzy...

An IT conceptual data model
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Mon 17 January 2022

This time a much shorter post, as I've been asked to share this information recently and found that it, by itself, is already useful enough to publish. It is a conceptual data model for IT services.

Ownership and responsibilities for infrastructure services
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Thu 13 January 2022

In a perfect world, using infrastructure or technology services would be seamless, without impact, without risks. It would auto-update, tailor to the user needs, detect when new features are necessary, adapt, etc. But while this is undoubtedly what vendors are saying their product delivers, the truth is way, waaaay different.

Managing infrastructure services implies that the company or organization needs to organize itself to deal with all aspects of supporting a service. What are these aspects? Well, let's go through those that are top-of-mind for me...

The pleasures of having DTAP
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Thu 30 December 2021

No, not Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (vaccine), but Development, Test, Acceptance, and Production (DTAP): different environments that, together with a well-working release management process, provide a way to get higher quality and reduced risks in production. DTAP is an important cornerstone for a larger infrastructure architecture as it provides environments that are tailored to the needs of many stakeholders.

Creating an enterprise open source policy
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Sat 20 November 2021

Nowadays it is impossible to ignore, or even prevent open source from being active within the enterprise world. Even if a company only wants to use commercially backed solutions, many - if not most - of these are built with, and are using open source software.

However, open source is more than just a code sourcing possibility. By having a good statement within the company on how it wants to deal with open source, what it wants to support, etc. engineers and developers can have a better understanding of what they can do to support their business further.

In many cases, companies will draft up an open source policy, and in this post I want to share some practices I've learned on how to draft such a policy.

Hybrid cloud can be very complex
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Mon 08 November 2021

I am not an advocate for hybrid cloud architectures. Or at least, not the definition for hybrid cloud that assumes one (cloud or on premise) environment is just an extension of another (cloud or on premise) environment. While such architectures seem to be simple and fruitful - you can easily add some capacity in the other environment to handle burst load - they are a complex beast to tame.