Simplicity is a form of art...

Talk about SELinux on GSE Linux/Security
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Tue 25 March 2014

On today's GSE Linux / GSE Security meeting (in cooperation with IMUG) I gave a small (30 minutes) presentation about what SELinux is. The slides are online and cover two aspects of SELinux: some of its design principles, and then a set of features provided by SELinux. The talk is directed …

GSE TWS BeLux 2010
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Thu 03 June 2010

Today, IBM generously hosted the GSE TWS BeLux 2010 conference. Although it was organized together with the GSE DB2 conference (which I would also have loved to attend) I must say I was pretty impressed with the topics given, especially those after the lunch.

For me, personally, the topic on …