Simplicity is a form of art...

Updates on my Pelican adventure
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Sun 16 August 2015

It's been a few weeks that I switched my blog to Pelican, a static site generator build with Python. A number of adjustments have been made since, which I'll happily talk about.

Switching to Pelican
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Sun 02 August 2015

Nothing beats a few hours of flying to get things moving on stuff. Being offline for a few hours with a good workstation helps to not be disturbed by external actions (air pockets notwithstanding).

Early this year, I expressed my intentions to move to Pelican from WordPress. I wasn't actually unhappy with WordPress, but the security concerns I had were a bit too much for blog as simple as mine. Running a PHP-enabled site with a database for something that I can easily handle through a static site, well, I had to try.

Trying out Pelican, part one
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Fri 06 March 2015

One of the goals I've set myself to do this year (not as a new year resolution though, I *really* want to accomplish this ;-) is to move my blog from Wordpress to a statically built website. And Pelican looks to be a good solution to do so. It's based on …