Slowly converting from GuideXML to HTML


Sven Vermeulen Tue 25 August 2015

Gentoo has removed its support of the older GuideXML format in favor of using the Gentoo Wiki and a new content management system for the main site (or is it static pages, I don't have the faintest idea to be honest). I do still have a few GuideXML pages in my development space, which I am going to move to HTML pretty soon.

In order to do so, I make use of the guidexml2wiki stylesheet I developed. But instead of migrating it to wiki syntax, I want to end with HTML.

So what I do is first convert the file from GuideXML to MediaWiki with xsltproc.

Next, I use pandoc to convert this to restructured text. The idea is that the main pages on my devpage are now restructured text based. I was hoping to use markdown, but the conversion from markdown to HTML is not what I hoped it was.

The restructured text is then converted to HTML using In the end, I use the following function (for conversion, once):

# Convert GuideXML to RestructedText and to HTML
gxml2html() {

  # Convert to Mediawiki syntax
  xsltproc ~/dev-cvs/gentoo/xml/htdocs/xsl/guidexml2wiki.xsl $1 > ${basefile}.mediawiki

  if [ -f ${basefile}.mediawiki ] ; then
    # Convert to restructured text
    pandoc -f mediawiki -t rst -s -S -o ${basefile}.rst ${basefile}.mediawiki;

  if [ -f ${basefile}.rst ] ; then
    # Use your own stylesheet links (use full https URLs for this)  --stylesheet=link-to-bootstrap.min.css,link-to-tyrian.min.css --link-stylesheet ${basefile}.rst ${basefile}.html

Is it perfect? No, but it works.