Simplicity is a form of art...

Commandline SELinux policy helper functions
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Sat 18 May 2013

To work on SELinux policies, I use a couple of functions that I can call on the shell (command line): seshowif, sefindif, seshowdef and sefinddef. The idea behind the methods is that I want to search (find) for an interface (if) or definition (def) that contains a particular method or …

Public support channels: irc
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Thu 16 May 2013

I've said it before - support channels for free software are often (imo) superior to the commercial support that you might get with vendors. And although those vendors often try to use "modern" techniques, I fail to see why the old, but proven/stable methods would be wrong.

Consider the "Chat …