In between courses, I pushed out live ebuilds for the SELinux userspace applications: libselinux, policycoreutils, libsemanage, libsepol, sepolgen, checkpolicy and secilc. These live ebuilds (with Gentoo version 9999) pull in the current development code of the SELinux userspace so that developers and contributors can already work with in-progress code developments as well as see how they work on a Gentoo platform.
That being said, I do not recommend using the live ebuilds for anyone else except developers and contributors in development zones (definitely not on production). One of the reasons is that the ebuilds do not apply Gentoo-specific patches to the ebuilds. I would also like to remove the Gentoo-specific manipulations that we do, such as small Makefile adjustments, but let's start with just ignoring the Gentoo patches.
Dropping the patches makes sure that we track upstream libraries and
userspace closely, and allows developers to try and send out patches to
the SELinux project to fix Gentoo related build problems. But as not all
packages can be deployed successfully on a Gentoo system some patches
need to be applied anyway. For this, users can drop the necessary
patches inside /etc/portage/patches
as all userspace ebuilds use the
epatch_user method.
Finally, observant users will notice that "secilc" is also provided. This is a new package, which is probably going to have an official release with a new userspace release. It allows for building CIL-based SELinux policy code, and was one of the drivers for me to create the live ebuilds as I'm experimenting with the CIL constructions. So expect more on that later.