Testing with permissive domains


Sven Vermeulen Mon 18 May 2015

When testing out new technologies or new setups, not having (proper) SELinux policies can be a nuisance. Not only are the number of SELinux policies that are available through the standard repositories limited, some of these policies are not even written with the same level of confinement that an administrator might expect. Or perhaps the technology to be tested is used in a completely different manner.

Without proper policies, any attempt to start such a daemon or application might or will cause permission violations. In many cases, developers or users tend to disable SELinux enforcing then so that they can continue playing with the new technology. And why not? After all, policy development is to be done after the technology is understood.

But completely putting the system in permissive mode is overshooting. It is much easier to make a very simple policy to start with, and then mark the domain as a permissive domain. What happens is that the software then, after transitioning into the "simple" domain, is not part of the SELinux enforcements anymore whereas the rest of the system remains in SELinux enforcing mode.

For instance, create a minuscule policy like so:

policy_module(testdom, 1.0)

type testdom_t;
type testdom_exec_t;
init_daemon_domain(testdom_t, testdom_exec_t)

Mark the executable for the daemon as testdom_exec_t (after building and loading the minuscule policy):

~# chcon -t testdom_exec_t /opt/something/bin/daemond

Finally, tell SELinux that testdom_t is to be seen as a permissive domain:

~# semanage permissive -a testdom_t

When finished, don't forget to remove the permissive bit (semanage permissive -d testdom_t) and unload/remove the SELinux policy module.

And that's it. If the daemon is now started (through a standard init script) it will run as testdom_t and everything it does will be logged, but not enforced by SELinux. That might even help in understanding the application better.