Fixing the busybox build failure


Sven Vermeulen Wed 26 March 2014

Since a few months I have a build failure every time I try to generate an initial ram file system (as my current primary workstation uses a separate /usr and LVM for everything except /boot):

* busybox: >> Compiling...
* ERROR: Failed to compile the "all" target...
* -- Grepping log... --
*           - busybox-1.7.4-signal-hack.patch
* busybox: >> Configuring...
*COMMAND: make -j2 CC="gcc" LD="ld" AS="as"  
*  HOSTCC  scripts/basic/fixdep
*make: execvp: /var/tmp/genkernel/18562.2920.28766.17301/busybox-1.20.2/scripts/ Permission denied
*make: *** [gen_build_files] Error 127
*make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
*/bin/sh: scripts/basic/fixdep: Permission denied
*make[1]: *** [scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 1
*make: *** [scripts_basic] Error 2

I know it isn't SELinux that is causing this, as I have no denial messages and even putting SELinux in permissive mode doesn't help. Today I found the time to look at it with more fresh eyes, and noticed that it wants to execute a file ( situated in /var/tmp somewhere. That file system however is mounted with noexec (amongst other settings) so executing anything from within that file system is not allowed.

The solution? Update /etc/genkernel.conf and have TMPDIR point to a location where executing is allowed. Of course, this being a SELinux system, the new location will need to be labeled as tmp_t as well, but that's just a simple thing to do.

~# semanage fcontext -a -t tmp_t /var/build/genkernel(/.*)?
~# restorecon -R /var/build/genkernel

The new location is not world-writable (only for root as only root builds initial ram file systems here) so not having noexec here is ok.