As mentioned previously, I took a stab at the Gentoo Guide to OpenLDAP Authentication, updating its configuration settings as well as give an introduction to its replication mechanism. Although I am no OpenLDAP guru at all, I set up a similar architecture for testing some SELinux policy changes. This test environment grew (okay, it's all KVM guests, so the only thing that grew was my resource consumption) and is currently entailing over 24 systems, ranging from BIND (in master/slave) to Apache/Nginx setups, reverse proxies to database clusters and what not.
I'm hoping that I can manage the scripts I use to create those images (perform unattended installations of all these softwares as well as configuration aspects) and eventually provide some more documents for Gentoo on these matters. But until then, I'll focus more on fixing and helping the publication of documentation (a small list of changes contributed by various people are in the Gentoo Handbook which finally mentions ext4, has seen a whole slew of OpenRC fixes and updated kernel configuration information, or the Gentoo Guide to Mutt which has been rewritten from scratch). If you notice any errors or needs for corrections on Gentoo documentation, don't hesitate to file a bugreport or drop by on IRC's #gentoo-doc channel.
Speaking of documentation, the SELinux Handbook has seen a few updates as well, and I have also started pushing some module-specific information (for instance on Portage). This might help some users with their quest to get a particular software title to work on their system with the SELinux policies in place.
Next to the documentation, you'll also find the SELinux policy modules based on the 2.20110726 version of the reference policy in the hardened-dev overlay. The base policy is currently in revision 2 with revision 3 on the way (asterisk, mutt and mozilla fixes). It now uses a cleaner patching process, something that is also part of the updated selinux-policy-2.eclass. I'm also hoping that I can introduce delivery of the SELinux policy interface documentation (a nicely formatted set of HTML pages showing which kind of interfaces - calls or privilege "bundles" if you like - are available), of course based on the availability of USE="doc".
Once this has been accomplished, I'll see that the new policy modules are migrated from the hardened-dev overlay to the main tree. Also, the majority of changes made to the policy are since revision 2 of the base policy in a more manageable format, allowing for faster pushing of the changes to the upstream reference policy.