I know that repeatable password generators are less secure than random character generators. After all, if you want a strong password, you can simply perform head -c 8 /dev/urandom | mimencode to obtain a nice, random password string.
However, in certain cases you might want to generate passwords given a particular entry which always returns the same password. For instance, for low-profile web sites. Most people use mneumonics (such as username reversed and appended with domainname abbreviation to give an example) but mneumonics can be quite insecure, especially if you use a mneumonic that, once someone sees one of your passwords, he can deduce all passwords.
An example would be the above-given algorithm, which yields for the following sites:
bugs.gentoo.org, user foobar, password raboofbgo
forums.gentoo.org, user bleh, password helbfgo
www.sourceforge.net, user mynick, password kcinymwsn
I'm sure you can find the password for other sites I would show you, so this kind of passwords are not that secure.
Enter hex2passwd, a tool which generates (the same) password for the same input over and over again. With the tool you can make your mneumonic a bit more secure as it uses hashfunctions to create a pseudorandom sequence and a character mapping to convert the hash result into a possible password.
An example for the above sites / mneumonic would yield:
For bugs.gentoo.org, user foobar
$ echo raboofbgo | sha1sum | hex2passwd -n 8
For forums.gentoo.org, user bleh
$ echo helbfgo | sha1sum | hex2passwd -n 8
For www.sourceforge.net, user mynick
$ echo kcinymwsn | sha1sum | hex2passwd -n 8
Of course, the tool offers some more flexibility, such as choosing your own character maps or scrambling the maps before you use them. In any case, if you think such a tool is useful for you as well, don't hesitate to download, compile and install it - it's a simple C program, probably too ugly to show ;-)