Simplicity is a form of art...

Old Gentoo system? Not a problem...
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Wed 21 January 2015

If you have a very old Gentoo system that you want to upgrade, you might have some issues with too old software and Portage which can't just upgrade to a recent state. Although many methods exist to work around it, one that I have found to be very useful is …

Upgrading old Gentoo installations
by Sven Vermeulen, post on Sun 29 December 2013

Today I got "pinged" on bug #463240 about the difficulty of upgrading a Gentoo Linux deployment after a long time of inactivity on the system. We already have an Upgrading Gentoo article on the Gentoo wiki that describes in great detail how upgrades can be accomplished. But one of the …